My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World – 637

Getting used to flying

Judging by how tired Sebastian looked, he had not enjoyed it at all.
Well, it was like a roller coaster. It was no wonder he was scared.
Tilura did not seem to be too scared with this kind of thing. But perhaps it was due to her childish curiosity.

“Kii. Kii.”
“Hmm. I see. Is that so.”
“…What did it say?”
“Umm. Rahle flew a lot slower than usual.”
“Ah, because Sebastian was on as well.”

Perhaps it was because it was heavier than usual, with Sebastian in the saddle.
He was on the thin side, but was still a grown man.
If you focused on maintaining balance, then you would not be able to fly with much speed.

“Kii! Kii-kii… Kii!”
“I understand! Sebastian, let us go then!”
“Huh? Lady Tilura…what do you mean?”
“Rahle says it can fly faster if it gets more used to it. And so we must fly again!”

I had rarely seen Sebastian look so alarmed.
That was how much fear he was feeling.

“Hurry! Hurry! Let’s go!”
“Kii. Kii.”
“Wa-wait one moment. Lady Tilura. We should take a break…”
“No! It will get dark if we wait too long. And then we will not be able to see! And there is such a fantastic view!”

Tilura had so much fun flying with Rahle that she took no notice of Sebastian’s troubles.
Thanks to Ms. Claire’s attention towards her education, she was often very mature. However, it was times like these that you remembered she was like any other child.
Well…aside from the part about having a giant monster bird.
Though, if Rahle could fly faster after a little more practice, then they might as well do it today.

If they flew at the same speed as they did earlier, then they would not be able to catch up with Mr. Ekenhart and the others.
And so they should practice at least one or two more times.
Besides, Sebastian needed to get used to it as well.

“…I think you should do it, Sebastian. But take this…”
“Indeed…very well. Is this a recovery herb?”
“Yes. It won’t help with your fear, but you’ll be less tired.”
“…Thank you. I will take it then…”

Perhaps it was not a good idea to give him such things, as people sometimes vomit when they are scared… But I thought it was better than nothing.
Sebastian let out a weak sigh and then climbed back into the saddle behind Tilura.

“Do you think they’ll be back soon?”
“Wuff. Wuff-wuff.”
“She says they are already close by!”
“Poor Sebastian…”
“Master, I finished with the medicine!”

As we had nothing to do, I asked Ms. Gelda to bring out a table into the garden, and I drank tea with Liza and rested.
We would likely eat dinner out here with Rahle anyway, so we might as well prepare.
And just as the sky started to darken, I looked up at the sky and searched for Rahle.
According to Leo, they were close by now.

Ms. Gelda poured me another cup of the dandelion tea as Milina told me that she was finished with the medicine.
Liza had tried the tea yesterday, and did not like it. So she and Leo were drinking milk instead.

“Ah, there they are, master!”
“It looks like it…”

I heard Rahle’s cry, and saw a vague shadow approaching from the distance.

Next Chapter

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