Shinmai Boukensha

Senpai Boukenshasan ga Tasukete Kureru no de Kitto Daijoubu Nano Desu! Shinmai Boukensha no Nikki-chou
先輩冒険者さんが助けてくれるのできっと大丈夫なのです! 新米冒険者の日記帳(The senior Adventurers help me, so I’ll surely be fine! The Diary of a Novice Adventurer)

This is the diary of a certain novice Adventurer.
She started with such big dreams and hopes in her heart…
This diary is filled with ordinary observations, records and grumblings on the daily lives of Adventurers.
The diary that she started, swearing that she would one day become a great Adventurer. This is the first volume.

Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3

Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6

Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9

Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12

Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15

Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18

Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21

Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24

Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27

Chapter 28Chapter 29Chapter 30

Chapter 31Chapter 32Chapter 33

Chapter 34Chapter 35Chapter 36

Chapter 37Chapter 38Chapter 39

Chapter 40Chapter 41Chapter 42

Chapter 43Chapter 44Chapter 45

Chapter 46Chapter 47Chapter 48

Chapter 49Chapter 50Chapter 51

Chapter 52Chapter 53Chapter 54

Chapter 55Chapter 56Chapter 57

Chapter 58Chapter 59Chapter 60

Chapter 61Chapter 62Chapter 63

Chapter 64