Chapter 110 – Chimera Countermeasure Meeting
After deciding that we would fight against the Chimera, we returned to the base.
There would be no point in planting anything if it was just going to be ravaged again.
On the way back, Ije said sadly,
“Planting seeds. Wanted to do it.”
“Indeed. I’m sad about it as well. By what time must it be planted, if we want to harvest it?”
“Hmm…in ten days, maybe.”
“Ten days. That is not much time.”
“Yes. Maybe one month might still…”
“But the winter comes quickly sometimes.”
“Yes. And weather can make the growth slower…”
Even if a veteran farmer plants crops early, the weather could always change suddenly and destroy everything.
That was farming.
When it came to nature, nothing was for certain.
And so we had to prepare for every outcome.
After returning to the base, Victor, the Adventurers, and Kelly held a meeting concerning the Chimera.
As Victor had experience, he talked about how to fight them.
Everyone listened to this with nervous expressions.
Once he was finished, he turned to Kelly
“Ms. Kelly, is there any difference between the Chimeras that we know about and the Chimera that lives in this area?”
“I can’t say for sure. And so I don’t want it to affect your judgment too much…”
“I understand. Still, I think it would be able to help us predict and prepare.”
“If you think so. Well…”
Kelly thought for a moment.
“The remaining traces are footprints and hair. Also, the hole.”
“Indeed. What can we tell from that?”
“First, we can estimate the size from the footprint. I think it should be about five meters long. No, maybe eight or ten.”
“I see…”
Victor looked troubled.
Normal Chimeras were between three and four meters. So this one was much larger.
With demon beasts, the larger ones were generally stronger.
“However, though the footprint is large…it is not very deep, considering the softness of the soil.”
“…In other words, it’s not very heavy?”
“Of course, I cannot say for sure. Still, it does appear to be light, considering its size.”
“Ms. Kelly. What kind of creature would be large but light?”
“Something that can fly.”
The Chimeras on the old continent did not fly.
They had the body of a goat, head of a lion, and the tail of a snake.
That was the normal Chimera.
However, they could be very different here.
Perhaps they had wings.
“If it can fly…it would be even more dangerous.”
Said Victor. And then Kelly said calmly,
“Mind if I continue?”
“Ah, I’m sorry. Of course.”
“The hair is similar to that of a goat. So is the shape of the hooves. But it’s not the exact same. The way to tell Chimera and goat hair apart is the tips…”
Kelly then taught us the differences.
As she was a scholar, she had a wealth of knowledge.
The Adventurers also listened attentively.
“So… This is the important part. While it is true that it seems to be Chimera hair and not goat hair…there was no lion hair.”
“Hmm? Maybe it just happened to not fall out?”
“Of course, that is possible. Perhaps I just didn’t find any. But lions have long manes. So it should have been easier to find.”
“So, what do you think is the most likely explanation, Ms. Kelly?”
“That the head is not a lion.”
“…But shouldn’t there have been some other hair then?”
“Lions have longer hair. But if it was a tiger…then it might be harder to find.”
“On top of that, the tail might not be a poisonous snake. There was no poison found in the field.”
Had the Chimera scatter poison in the field, it would have ruined the soil.
And then one of the Adventurers asked,
“Um, Ms. Kelly.”
“What is it? Ask me anything. Though, I don’t know if I’ll be able to answer it.”
“If it doesn’t have the head of a lion or a snake tail, then surely it would not be a Chimera?”
“Yes, that is possible. After all, it is only the hair and hoofprint that had strong Chimera characteristics.”
“It could be a new type of creature. Or Chimeras are just different here. Is that what you mean?”
Victor asked, and Kelly nodded.
“What do you think, Mr. Theo?”
“Well, there was the poison red berry incident. And so we should always think about the possibility that things are different here.”
“It will be hard to plan ahead, if we don’t even know what it is like.”
“Yes. It is very troublesome.”
“In that case, I will go and do some scouting.”
I said, and Victor looked grave.
Thanks for the treat.