Ken yo, kaku katariki – 80

23 – Burning Red

After Aize and the other left the church, the place they headed to was the mountain behind the village.
According to the priest, the villagers had seen the men going and leaving a number of times.

It was outside of the boundary of the anti-monster barrier.
That being said, it was not particularly dangerous.
At the guild, the danger rank would just be an E. For Tor and Enya, it was like their old backyard.

After a few battles—mainly, Aize killed them instantly without a sound—they arrived at a spot, and Aize raised her hand.

(I found it)

A corner of the mountain. Several presences.
When they looked through the bushes, they saw the bare surface of the mountain, and a number of people sitting down.

(…There are so many.)

More than ten people in all. Not only that, but some of them were armed with firearms.

(Is that a rifle?)

Enya asked, and Aize nodded.
Military weapons that could rapidfire and were mostly used on the battlefield. They were powerful enough to allow non-magic users to kill magic arts users.
And there were so many…
Jumping in there would be too dangerous.

(What about that hole?)

Enya said as she pointed to the hole that had been opened in the side of the mountain. It was not natural, and had been dug out by humans.
It was high enough for a human to walk through. And there appeared to be men inside as well. One of them entered Aize’s vision, and her eyes widened.

(Mikhail Fravault…?)

He really was there.

“…So, professor. There is no mistake?”


She heard them speak from behind the bushes. The man he called ‘professor’ nodded.

“There is no mistaking it. There is an ore deposit down there. And of an impressive scale!”

“I see. That is good.”

“This is quite a discovery! Once I announce it at the society, I will…”

Suddenly, Mikahil took something out and pointed it at the professor.
Only Aize immediately recognized it as a pistol.

What was surprising was how quiet it was.


Vibrant red blood flew in the air.
It flowed in the hole, creating a small puddle.
…It would have killed him instantly.

“Hey, mister. I thought we told you to not increase the number of bodies…”

Complained one of the men.
A thin man with sharp eyes. He looked like a mercenary, with a dangerous air.
Someone who was completely unphased when looking at a dead body.

“Clean it up for me.”

Mikhail said as he put away the pistol with the silencer. The other man clicked his tongue in annoyance.
And then he followed Mikhail out of the cave.

“Hey, you know that we don’t work for free?”

“I believe that I’ve been paying for this extra work from the beginning?”

“That may be, but…you can at least tell us who you mean to kill in advance…there are preparations to be made.”

He sighed and turned to the men who were dragging out the body and putting it into a bag.

“So, is the plan going smoothly?”


Mikhail said as he filed his nails.

“The ceremony will be in one week. Once that is done…you understand?”

“…Pretend to be burglars and kill the whole family. Won’t people fine you suspicious?”

“Of course, they will.”

Mikhail said with a laugh.

“But what if I desperately resisted and was badly injured while fighting to protect them? Not only that, but the burglars might leave evidence that connects them to a different noble?”

“Ah… Well, I don’t know anything about that.”

“That house is hated by the other noble houses. And so when they learn of our alliance, and how that family’s power will grow and become a threat… They may just want to crush them for good.”

The mercenary muttered and nodded.

“And then I will become lord of the Lilieth house. I will discover the elyzium mine and be the owner of it. I won’t forgive the house that targeted my family… That will be my reason for returning to business.”


“Well, it’s better that you don’t know more than that.”

He said with a laugh.
Upon hearing this, Enya was more worried than angry. She hesitantly looked towards Aize.

Her eyes were dark and piercing.
Without turning away, Aize got up to her feet.

“—al Fravault…”

She muttered.
Sadness, anger…hatred.


She shouted, and red flames blazed around her.

The flames created a violent stream like a tornado, and with destructive force, they shot towards Mikail Fravault.


Immediately, one of the mercenaries jumped in the way.
Wind blew the flames away—and then Aize’s spear clashed with the man’s knife with a high-pitched ring.

Next Chapter

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