Kamigami – 27 part 4

“Good! Bingo!”

The light subsided, and just as Fuminori’s vision returned to normal, a Hero with glowing wings descended from the treetops. He wore robes and wielded a long staff. And after glancing down at the kobold at his feet, he clicked his tongue.

“That barrier is strong. One hit was not enough.”

While the cape had burned away, the kobold’s armor was still fine.

“Hey, leader. Isn’t this pretty bad?”
“…Sorry. This one is stronger than you think.”
“I bet… But still…”

He rose up into the sky again. The silver wings spread out, and the staff was held up.

“Like this, the attacks won’t reach… Oh?!”

An arrow shot through the air and grazed his cheek. He was stunned for a moment, and then the kobold dashed off.

“Ouch! I guess I have to be a little higher.”

His body rose softly. It had been pretty surprising for the others to see this at first. But while he was a Hero with the ability to fly, it was not as free as you might think. Still, at least it was fast, and he was one of the few who could ignore mountains and terrain.

“Ayano-san. How is the healing going?”
“…Uh, I finished some emergency treatment.”
“The wounds are too deep. And since the arrows have barbs…if I were to pull them out, the flesh would…”
“AHH! Sorry, you don’t need to tell me the details.”

Normally, you wouldn’t hear such words when talking about healing magic. And even though Ayano had abilities to match a high-ranking monk, there were just too many wounded people here.
Though, there had been no deaths yet.

“Hey, leader. What are we going to do? Chase after it?”

The other members did not look enthusiastic.

“Of course! Otherwise, the others will pass us and it will be over!”
“But what about the wounded?”
“Uh, Ayano-san can stay and…”
‘That won’t do.’

He was annoyed at the old god’s words, but he tried to remain calm.

“We can’t just leave the injured here!”
‘They are Heroes too. Some of them can treat themselves or heal others. So there should be no problem in leaving them. Besides, even if something happens, they can use their blessings.’

She argued with him at first, but eventually yielded.

“I’m sorry, everyone. I will return as soon as it is over.”
“…Let’s go. Those who aren’t injured, stay behind me. Also, if you are well armored, keep Ayano-san safe.”

But he pursed his lips and started to run.

“That damned dog.”

In RPGs, targeting the healer was a basic strategy.

“If you touch my Ayano, I’ll tear you apart!”

With his heart full of rage, Fuminori ran.
Up ahead, there were numerous explosions.


Sheto dodged while keeping his hands raised, but the following blast threw him high into the air.

“Hahahaha! You better run, or you’ll be blown to bits!”

The Hero looked different now. The blessing he had now was nothing conventional. It had a source that exceeded Sheto’s imagination.

‘Lord Diza’s Hero! He uses automated dolls and then explodes them!’
“What’s that!? I don’t understand!”

The dolls were flying out from the bushes and attacking him with their high-pitched voices.

“Let’s play, let’s play.”

The ‘thorns’ were swung, and explosions bloomed.

“Idiot, idiot. Even if you attack my dolls, they will just explode!”
“Alright, over there!”

Sheto heard the sounds of something cut through the air, and he jumped back in shock.

“What’s that!?”

Numerous swords pierced the ground where he had been. They varied in shape and size, but they were pouring down like rain.

‘Lord Holbeas’s Hero. He can create numerous swords and launch them at people!’
“Why!? Why throw swords!”
‘I don’t know! It was apparently the Hero’s idea! He is also an ‘archer’!’
“A stupid hunter who shoots swords, instead of arrows! Ridiculous!”

That being said, it was still a lethal attack. As he ran between the boulders and tall trees, someone blocked his path up ahead.


As he unleashed an arrow, the girl in leather armor just laughed and thrust out a furry mass in front of her.
It was some kind of stuffed animal.

“Here, I’m sending it back!”

A light flashed on the surface, and the arrow bounced back and shot towards Sheto.


He managed to dodge it without getting hit, but then the girl chuckled and hid behind a tree.

‘Enzarte’s Hero… She can perfectly block enemy attacks and send them back with the same force…’

While shouting, he ran from the dolls and the falling swords.
He did not understand. He did not want to understand.
He was just trying desperately to survive, while they were using these idiotic abilities that gods gave them.
Not only that, but they were still dangerous. Which made it more annoying.

‘I’ll tell you one other thing. Evacus asked that you should take down those with special blessings first.’
“Enough already!”

Everyone just thought about themselves. No one cared about him at all.
Just because he was a weak monster, did he deserve to be in this position? Moved by this anger, he gripped the ‘thorns’ and swung wildly at the branches above his head.


It wrapped around the branch, and then he pulled while kicking off of the dirt. The branch bent under his weight, and then whipped back up, sending him into the air.

“Woah! What the!”

After getting away from the strange Heroes, he saw the group he had been fighting earlier. They were fewer in number now, and were approaching from the right side. Sheto used the blessing to burn the branch that ‘thorn’ was wrapped around, and launched himself into the air.
When he landed, he was on flat ground again. Tall trees were behind him, and he had a clear view.

‘There are fewer now. Apparently, you were able to slow them down.’
“I better have!”

The distance gave him a little time now. And so Sheto thought desperately.

“Idiot Heroes. Want to fight them later! The normal Heroes are easier!”
‘…That being said, if you can’t deal with those strange blessings, you’ll end up being hit by your own arrows, or those exploding dolls.’

All those attacks had such wide areas. When it came to a chaotic battle, the damage would be great.
If he could somehow use that…

‘Sheto! Great eagle!’

He jumped and avoided the rain of silver light. Around him, trees burned, and he could smell the odor.

“That one is annoying!”
‘And he’s outside of your range… Sheto!’

Something unbelievable was moving through the trees. A snake made of metal scales. Sheto unleashed ‘thorn’ and wrapped it around its neck.

“I see you have something similar. And I thought I was special for having this weapon.”

A small figure in leather armor. And a sword handle in the right hand. From there pieces of metal extended, as if a blade had been cut into many pieces and were connected.

‘Uriunai’s Hero! He uses the snakebite sword, which can be controlled similar to your limbs!’
“Whip and sword? Make up your mind!”
‘In any case, you better get away! You cannot stop!’

It was likely based on the same concept as thorns. Wrap it around the enemy and wreak havoc. However, as it was made of metal, it was clearly stronger. Not only that, but he could control it freely, allowing him to stop targets at a long distance.
In other words, he could bind the enemy from far away so that he wasn’t affected by the area attacks.

‘Sheto! Your feet!’

He looked down as Salia shouted.

“Want to play?”

And then the doll exploded.

Next Chapter

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