Chapter 209 – With just that, I…
“Why are you here?”
I asked, and Ms. Evangeline replied with a smile.
“What could be more important than helping a friend?”
They were straightforward and warm words.
However, I was an adult, who thought of things from a realistic point of view.
“But…I thought you were visiting the southern region of the empire. As part of your duties as queen.”
“Yes, I was visiting.”
“Is everything alright?”
“Well, I’m sure it’s causing a lot of trouble.”
“It is!?”
As I looked frantic, Ms. Evangeline gently lifted her finger to my mouth.
“I know what to prioritize. My public duties are very important. There is a lot that I need to do as an adult. However, it’s more important for me to help a friend who is in need. Nothing matters more.”
“How dashing…”
“Hehe… I do enjoy being complimented.”
Ms. Evangeline seemed very happy.
“I had some transformation potion, and Synthia will figure things out. More importantly, we must save your friend, Noelle.”
“That’s true, but…”
I then told Ms. Evangeline about the situation I was in.
How Luke had been changed.
He was now stronger than anyone I had ever faced, and how he had beaten me before I even understood what had happened.
And how they had destroyed his mind and heart.
“What a horrible thing to experience. While it may not have been enough, he came at me with everything he had during the tournament. He was a very interesting boy.”
Said Ms. Evangeline.
“And he cannot be returned to normal?”
“That is what the masked man said. At a glance, I felt the same…”
“I see…”
Ms. Evangeline looked down and picked up a syringe that was on the ground.
“Is this the medicine that was used?”
“I think so.”
“I see. Indeed, with something like this, you can destroy a person’s heart in a way that is irreversible.”
Ms. Evangeline raised her head and said,
“Noelle, calm down and listen to me. There is a chance you can call back his heart.”
I did not understand what she meant.
It sounded like she was speaking in a foreign language.
Something too bright to be a real hope.
I wanted to believe, but was too afraid.
If it was wrong, and the hope was crushed, it would hurt me deeply.
“What do you…mean?”
Still, I wanted to know more.
I had to.
“Long ago, influential people in the empire attempted to make biological weapons with us forest elves. They would use potions to destroy our minds and control our wills like dolls. This medicine here is what they used. Though, it seems to have been modified. It takes nine days for the mind to be destroyed completely. And it can be recovered with the right antidote and great healing magic.”
Said Ms. Evangeline.
“I think the enemy wanted to keep that part a secret from you. They wanted to make sure that you felt as if there was no hope.”
“So there really is…a chance?”
“Yes. The possibility still remains.”
White light poured in from the small window above the cage.
I felt my body being charged up with power.
“Please help me.”
“Of course.”
Ms. Evangeline smiled.
There was still hope left.
That was enough to push me forward.
It took longer than expected for Ms. Evangeline to remove the shackles.
“Is there a key for these?”
“I am currently the most powerful user of teleportation magic in the world. I’ve never used a key in my life.”
Ms. Evangeline said confidently.
“Do not worry. I will have these shackles removed in no time.”
She then activated her magic.
However, nothing happened.
“Huh? Why isn’t it effective?”
“Why indeed. I cannot use magic either. But the anti-magic stones only seal the magic of the wearer, so it shouldn’t have an effect on you.”
“…I see. It seems there are a lot of troublesome tricks with these…”
Ms. Evangeline inspected them carefully.
“I see there is an enchantment to prevent teleportation magic. Indeed, it is the enemy of restraining tools, so it is a natural thing to deal with it.”
“But there is hardly anyone who can use that magic. And it is especially difficult to use it near someone else’s body.”
“Indeed.It can be dangerous. Even accidentally teleporting a single match into someone’s body can be dangerous.”
“That’s a horrible thought.”
“Of course, it is rarely done in the first place. But that makes it strange that they would go to such lengths.”
Ms. Evangeline held her hand against her mouth as she thought.
“Did they predict that I would come here? No, surely that is not possible. In that case, it would be most natural to assume they thought you or some captain from the Royal Magicians Order would be here.”
“But the Royal Magicians Order does not have authority to conduct investigations here. That’s why I came alone…”
“Well, they could have predicted what would happen after that. They did abduct one captain already. So they must have known that they would be facing against Ardenfeld.”
“In any case, we have to focus on Luke. I have to help him.”
“Yes. Let’s do our best. So, how should I open these?”
“Maybe there is a key? That man might have it.”
“I will check.”
Ms. Evangeline searched the man’s pockets.
“He doesn’t have it.”
“Then it must be carried by someone who is outside.”
“Ah, it might be that person.”
Ms. Evangeline activated her magic.
Immediately, an unconscious masked man appeared at her feet.
“I knocked him out while coming here.”
“That’s very impressive.”
“Now, pockets…”
She checked his pants pockets.”
“Here is one. I hope it’s the right one.”
“I think it is. Please try it.”
“I haven’t unlocked something with a key in over a thousand years. How nostalgic. It was one evening, long ago, when I tried to read my teacher’s diary.”
“Um, I think that story can wait.”
“People below really do use such troublesome things as locks, huh?”
“To normal people, your teleportation magic is more troublesome.”
Memorizing spells and activating them were difficult.
If you say that you want to learn teleportation magic, most people will assume that you will die before you are able to do anything as a magician. It is so difficult that you can work for your whole life and still not learn to do it properly.
And so it really was magic for the tree elves with long lives.
“Alright, it’s off now. Let us go and beat up those villains.”
“But first, we have to search for the antidote for Luke. Also, I want to help Nina, who must be held somewhere.”
“She is the friend who is helping me. We’ve known each other since we were children. She lives in this country now.”
“If she is your friend, Noelle, then we must certainly help her.”
Ms. Evangeline said with a firm nod.
And so we began our search.
We appeared to be in one district of the Dragon Order’s base under the grand cathedral.
It was then that I saw a familiar face and stopped.
“You. Aren’t you the cardinal?”
“…You know me?”
He said weakly.
His hair extended to his shoulders, and a beard covered half of his face.
He had become very thin, with bony legs that poked out from the rags he was wearing.
“How long have you been here?”
“I don’t know. I think it’s been over a year.”
“A year…”
I gasped.
This was likely the real cardinal, and the one working above was an imposter.
Aside from him, there were many other people who were captured.
I even saw the women who had helped us.
“Let me out of here! I cannot live without something to drink!”
“Those who believe will be saved. God and illegal gambling will save us all. You must believe too. It is through feeling the cold sensation of loss, that one knows what it’s like to be truly alive.”
(Those two never change…)
I decided to save them after everything was finished, and pressed on forward.
Nina was collapsed in a cage to the far back.
She was still, as if she was dead.
I opened the cage and we both cast healing magic on her. Nina slowly started to move, and then she opened her eyes.
“What a relief…you’re alive…”
I hugged her tightly.
“You’re exaggerating.”
She said with a smile. And then she turned to Ms. Evangeline.
“Who is this?”
“Ms. Evangeline. Queen of the elves. She came to help me.”
“I look away for one second and you have incredible friends with you…”
Nina was stunned.
Ms. Evangeline looked a little puzzled as she looked around. And then she placed a hand on my shoulder.
“Hey, Noelle. It’s hard to know how to act with a friend of a friend, no?”
She whispered.
“I want to be friendly, but I don’t know how to act when I meet for the first time.”
Apparently, the queen was rather awkward around new people.
Perhaps it was because she spent so much time in the forest with people who she already knew.
“It-it’s nice to meet you.”
“Me-me too…”
They both smiled uncomfortably.
“Now, Nina. I was able to find Luke. But he’s been turned into a doll through a potion that destroys your heart. And we need an antidote in order to bring him back.”
I explained the situation to her, and she sighed.
“It might be that potion then…”
“You have seen it?”
“There were various medicines stored in the rooms that I searched through. And there was one that was stored very securely. It would not be strange if it was used for such a thing. I believe the label read ‘Pameguralite.’”
Nina said, and then Ms. Evangeline raised her head.
“That’s it. A medicine concocted with the seed of the rebirth tree.”
“We must go at once then.”
But as I tried to stand up, Nina grabbed my arm.
“Wait. It’s not there anymore.”
“A masked man entered the room and began to throw them all away. It happened so suddenly.”
“Why would they do that…”
“They must have predicted that you would try to use them to save Mr. Luke…”
Said Nina. Ms. Evangeline pursed her lips.
“So they got rid of the biggest risk in advance.”
“And so it’s not in that room anymore.”
I didn’t know what to think.
Had my last hope really been taken away?
As I stood there, stunned, Nina took something out of her pocket.
“I have the last one here.”
I forgot how to breathe.
“I thought it might be useful, and so I held onto one of them. It was hard to keep it hidden, but I’m glad that I did.”
I hugged her tightly.
So hope was not lost after all.
I took the vial and held it preciously.
“Use a syringe to administer it to the lower back of the head. Directly into the superficial temporal vein. Here, use this syringe. Use must use the entire contents of the vial for it to be effective. After that, great healing magic should be cast.”
Ms. Evangeline explained the important details.
“How great does the healing magic have to be?”
“I don’t know. I think both Noelle and I have to use all of our magic energy together in order to have a chance. But Ms. Nina seems to be skilled as well, so the three of us should be able to manage it, even if we’re a little depleted.”
“Considering how much we will have to use in order to reach Luke, the three of us getting there is a minimum requirement.”
That would be no easy feat.
Luke was now a monster that was stronger than anyone I had ever seen. And there were many other powerful masked men.
Without a doubt, this would be my toughest battle yet.
However, I had a strange lack of fear or hesitation.
With hope, I could fight.
Compared to the time that I thought I would never be able to speak to him again, I felt blessed.
(I will wager everything and bring him back.)
With this determination, I started to recover my things from the pile of confiscated items from the prisoners.
That’s when it happened.
“Excuse me. Can I ask you a question?”
A beautiful and clear voice. I turned to look.
It was Ms. Lyza, the nun who liked to gamble.
“What is it?”
“I…heard something. When I was talking to the masked men and trying to tell them about the wonders of gambling.”
“They were not very interested in it. They ignored me and spoke of putting their plan into action.”
“They are going to destroy the minds of the Saintess and Mother Louise, as well as the other candidates and related personnel. So that they can control the cathedral completely. They’ve been planning for this very day. The Saintess assassination attempt was a trap to make them all stay inside.”
Said Ms. Lyza.
“I believe they are now attacking the others on the ground floor. I am a failure who could not abandon my greed. However, the others did not look down on me. They had pity and with smiles, said they would pray for my happiness.”
She said quietly while looking at me.
“As a failure, I know how impressive they are. I know how much they have sacrificed. Abandoning their desires, obsession and offering prayers to others. Even their enemies. And like that, they live for god. Both the Saintess and Mother Louise are the same. They discarded all that they wanted to be, and strive to be what others want them to be. To me, it seems like a hellish way to live. Still, they work hard and without condition to help others.”
She spoke in a strong, unwavering voice.
“It would be wrong for them to have their hearts and minds destroyed like this. It cannot be. Please help them. Please…”
“I will do my best.”
I looked at Nina and Ms. Evangeline.
Once I saw that they were ready, I took out the silver whistle from my pocket.
A beautiful whistle made from carved magic stone and crystals.
A special relic given to me by the dragon.
If I blew it, there would be no turning back.
It would result in a big incident that would be known across the continent.
And that was why I blew into it.
A giant magic circle appeared.
For a second, I thought the ground had been struck by lightning.
My vision was filled with white.
There was a roaring sound, and a wind so strong that I could not stay on my feet.
As I fell to the ground, I saw blue spreading above my head.
Everything above had been blown away, and I sas the great dragon standing above us.
‘It’s been a long time, little one.’
The voice rang directly in my head.
The dragon looked down at me from the sky and said,
‘Do you require my power?’
“I do. I need it so much.”
I replied while looking up.
“Please help. Blow it all away.”
‘Leave it to me.’
The dragon smiled.
‘I shall turn all of my friend’s enemies into ash.’