I was a Hero in another world – AMA (True story)
1: Hero from Another World◆zE8er.qb: May 10th, 2013
I doubt anyone believes this, but I’m writing it anyway.
Because I couldn’t even tell my family and friends.
But I want someone to know.
As this is something I experience, let me know if you have questions.
Or you could just insult me.
2: Anonymous
End of shitty thread.
3: Anonymous
Was spring vacation extended? Are you a neet?
In any case, this is shit.
4: Anonymous
Isn’t there a thread for this kind of crap?
5: Hero from Another World
I expected this reaction.
But it’s fine. Sometimes, I think I was dreaming.
And yet, I can’t forget it.
About that world. And the reason for my death.
6: Anonymous
What do you mean, hero from another world? Like in an anime?
And you died? What, you can’t go back?
7: Anonymous
Too bad! My adventure has ended! Like that…huh?
8: Anonymous
Woah. He’s actually starting to tell his story.
9: Anonymous
Are you taking medication? Don’t upset your parents too much.
10: Hero from Another World
Thanks for the questions. To be honest, I hardly know where to start.
It was some important god who called me. His name was Zephalus. Well, there was a longer name, but I forgot it.
Also, yeah, I can’t go back. It ends when you die.
11: Anonymous
What’s this? Some divine reincarnation story?
12: Anonymous
Only creepy fat nerds write stories about reincarnation or being all powerful.
13: Hero from Another World
Just so you know, I may be a nerd, but I’m not fat. And I still go to school.
>> Yeah. Something like that. I was playing a game when I got summoned. Everything turned white, and then I was there.
14: Anonymous
That sounds fun. What are gods like?
And how did you die?
15: Anonymous
Well, I see one person is hooked!
16: Anonymous
Don’t take the bait. The creep is going to get carried away.
17: Hero from Another World
The god who called me was blonde and looked like a womanizer.
Flashy cloth, gauntlets and boots.
He kept going on about how amazing he was. It was so lame. lol
But then he told me, ‘I’m going to give you amazing power, so go and defeat the Demon King.’
18: Anonymous
Make a contract with me and become a Hero! Eh?
19: Anonymous
Just as expected. What a nuisance.
20: Anonymous
Womanizer? lol. Like a host?
Why would you follow a god like that?
21: Hero from Another World
I was actually worried too, so I asked lots of questions. lol
Apparently, a lot of Heroes are like that these days. They really care about the details in the contracts. lol
So, the god then gave me the weapon and armor. And I was sent out to this country called Limris, in the continent of Morania.
22: Anonymous
I see, I see. And then what?
23: Anonymous
I just realized. You aren’t the only Hero?
And how good was this weapon?
And what kind of contract was it?
24: Anonymous
You care too much. lol
25: Hero from Another World
I’m glad someone cares.
I wasn’t the only Hero.
The other gods called their own Heroes and sent them out.
Though, I never met them.
…Except that one guy…
As for the contracts, there was a detailed tutorial.
All of us Heroes receive blessings from the gods.
And then you either die or retire, or kill the Demon King in order to return.
There are different kinds of blessings. And they are used to get weapons, magic, abilities and allies.
Also, Heroes have levels that go up when you defeat enemies.
Apparently, it is so that weaker gods can participate in the game.
I was given a sword with all kinds of commands.
And armor with a barrier, as well as a bracelet that could use powerful magic.
Also, I think I was able to die a few times.
26: Anonymous
What the hell is this thread? Did a stupid teenager write this crap?
27: Anonymous
A kid writes his experience about being summoned by a god. lol
28: Anonymous
Level. lol
Barrier armor. lol
Only a nerd would write about that.
29: Anonymous
Well, you sound kind of invincible?
Why did you lose?
Also, why are you back if you’re allowed to die?
30: Anonymous
Maybe he died from some unexpected reason. Like a stomach ache. lol
32: Anonymous
Stomach ache. Haha.
Now that I think about it, is it even safe for someone from here to go to a fantasy world?
What about food…
32: Hero from Another World
I wondered that at first. I could take down huge worms with one shot from my bracelet. And I never got hurt when goblins and orcs swarmed around me.
I didn’t even need my party members.
…Stomach ache. That’s actually close.
Ah, the food was rough. Either bland or salty.
The bread was stale and tasted weird. Also, all the wine was diluted.
But the lice were the worst. Ugh.
33: Anonymous
Lice. lol
But that sounds pretty realistic. I suppose it is a fantasy based on medieval times then.
I bet you couldn’t even bathe.
34: Anonymous
Party members? Was it all old men or was it a harem of pretty girls?
35: Anonymous
Was there a sound when you leveled up?
Were there any cuties in your party?
36: Hero from Another World
Why are you assuming there were girls. lol
Well, my part had a male knight, a female sorcerer, and a priestess.
Apparently, they received a message from god to come and join me.
And so we went around, adventuring and killing monsters.
There was no sound when I leveled up. So the god just told me.
But since I played a lot of games, I had an idea of when it would happen.
The knight’s name was Axle. A reliable older man.
The sorcerer was a mercenary called Elka.
And then there was Ril. A priestess.
Both of the girls were cute. lol
37: Anonymous
I hate you.
38: Anonymous
At least he had one old man.
39: Anonymous
You should die. Well, I guess you did. That’s why you’re here. You got what you deserve!
40: Anonymous
So, how was the actual traveling like?
Was the adventure short?
41: Hero from Another World
You tell me.
I think it was around three months.
After landing in the country of Limris, I met up wil Ril.
The king there knew who I was. Zephalis prepared everything, apparently.
They had this celebration for me, since I was a Hero.
Actually, the food they had was pretty good.
And then we followed the god’s order and did some quests and killed random monsters.
There was a bonus for leveling up. In the end, my armor was so strong that all attacks and magic would bounce off.
It gave me ultimate protection.
42: Anonymous
Sounds like smooth sailing. So, why did you die?
Was it poison or something like that?
43: Anonymous
Having invincibility in games is basically a death flag. lol
I bet there was an enemy that had an effect that ignored it.
44: Anonymous
But didn’t you say something about resurrecting?
It sounds like you were able to die at leat once.
45: Hero from Another World
My armor made me immune to poison and paralysis. As long as I was wearing it.
Now, I’ll tell you how I died.
In fact, this was the part I wanted to talk about the most…