My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World – 830

I enjoyed some guy talk

“What are you saying, Mr. Takumi? When I go to Ractos with you or Lady Claire, it is as a guard. Obviously, I would not be distracted by other women?”
“Uh, I suppose…”

If he did something like that, he would not be the chief guard.
However, as Phillip said, if he really had so many women fawning over him, surely there would have been some small sign of it in town.
Anything from loving looks across the street, to a few exchanged words… But then again, with Claire and Sebastian there, perhaps it would not be easy.
Besides, I would not notice if someone was looking at Phillip like that.
Leo stuck out so much, that I hardly noticed anything else.

“Do not be fooled, Mr. Takumi. He has always been like this. Delusional. Ever since he was at the orphanage.”
“Is that true?”
“What are you saying, Nicholass! Indeed, I was very young back at the orphanage. But ever since I trained and became a guard, things have been quite different, you know.”
“…It’s true that Phillip left first, and so I don’t know much about that… But I still have my suspicions.”

As for me, I thought Phillip had the right qualities, and so I wanted to believe him… But his friend did not look like he was lying.

“Perhaps I should ask Ms. Johanna, who is also working as a guard here…”
“He-hey, Mr. Takumi! Do not do that! While she is very skilled, she is very dedicated to Lady Claire. And rarely has a positive thing to say about men!”
“Uh, I have never seen anything like that…?”

Johanna was always very polite towards me.
When I rode with her in the carriage, she talked to me about Claire.

“As for Johanna, I agree with Phillip. She is only polite to you because you are a guest, and because of Leo.”
“Nicholas, it is not only that. …It is because the master, as well as Lady Claire, hold him in high regard. After all, he did help her.”

Phillip must have seen the opportunity to shift the conversation, and he soon started to ask me questions about Claire.
While Nicholas relaxed and sipped his tea.
It could be rather fun to talk to men like this…


Leo sighed next to me. But I pretended to not hear her.
She clearly had no interest in this kind of small talk amongst males.
In the end, nothing was confirmed about Phillip’s claims. However, we might see some proof of it in Bleiyu village…

“Now, since we will be headed out tomorrow… Are you two ready? Well, I did see you get packed already.”
“Yes! Sister Lyra also helped me!”

After my talk with Phillip and Nicholas…we had dinner, and I trained outside. Then I returned to my room in order to sleep.

“Leo. While we’ll be going close to the village together, you’ll have to look after Liza while I’m away. Alright? And the house and Sherry as well.”

I had not been away from Liza for a full day since her arrival, but I was sure that she would be fine with Leo. If anything, she would do a better job than me.
As for Sherry, her teeth were growing, so I thought we should be more watchful than usual.
Her teeth had fallen out in the past two days, and there were plenty of things for her to bite. So she would probably be fine.

As for the teeth, Claire was keeping them to remember Sherry’s growth.
In Japan, there was a tradition of throwing them up on the roof, but things were obviously different here.

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