As he got closer, Sheto’s nose caught the sharp smell of blood.
At the same time, there was also a horrible stench. As if an animal carcass had been left out for half a day.
He slowed his step and crouched low while nocking an arrow.
But even as he moved, he could not help his face contorting with pain.
‘And…and what about you!’
Fi’s words pierced through his chest.
He had known it all along. What Fi’s unseasoned ears could not decipher. How serious things were.
Four escorts had accompanied the three wagons. But they were split in half so only pairs of two were able to face the enemy.
Not only that, but a group of ogres had arrived, and with their overwhelming strength and muscles, they were able to stop the guards.
It wasn’t just a matter of being at a disadvantage. They were dead from the beginning.
What had they been thinking? Coming out with so few guards? Sheto heard voices from the wagons too. But they were screaming. Clearly not fighters.
Even if he went now, it would not change the situation. He did not want to waste his arrows on a pointless fight.
As he got closer to the chaos, his heart was in torment.
The first thing the sounds had reminded him of…
The burned down kobold settlement.
And then that burned human village.
The numerous bodies. Both humans and kobolds had covered the ground.
Peaceful days with Fi had buried his memory. But it all came back vividly now.
Somewhere, the feeling of wanting to help was still inside of him.
But then another memory pushed it back.
‘Stay away! Monster!’
The scared and tired man had pointed his sword at Sheto.
And made it clear what he thought. And so Sheto had only wanted to hunt Heroes and the Demon King in order to help all kobolds.
‘Be-because they say you’re just a monster, you are going to act like one!?’
But Fi’s voice pierced through him.
He had been serious when he said it. A sympathy towards the weak and dying.
And Sheto couldn’t look him back in the eyes.
No. He could not look at himself.
Sheto had told himself that there was no hatred or anger left.
“Alright! Let’s capture them and make them slaves! Bring the rope from the wagons!”
Sheto shook his head as he heard the order. The fighting had already ended, and the monsters were taking the survivors prisoner.
‘I don’t know what the gods say, but what about you!? Are you just a monster? Or a Hero!?’
What was he?
Sheto looked down at his bow.
As he thought about it, his emotions began to calm.
No, not become calm.
It was like everything was becoming encased in a thick ice.
“I’m a hunter.”
Sheto pulled the bowstring back.
A goblin’s head was smashed right in front of Kesh’s eyes.
He had seen it quite clearly. Like an overripe fruit, falling to the ground.
“En…enemy attack! From the cliff to the right!”
He swiftly pulled out his blade and hid behind the wagon. A moment later, the goblins did the same. But there were two who were slow, and they screamed in pain before falling down.
“Who is it! Are you with them?!”
Gaide shouted while brandishing his club. However, the ambusher did not show himself.
“…Gaide. Can you see who is up there?”
“I can’t! But it’s still up there. Watching us!”
They had lost three of fifteen goblins during the initial battle. And due to this unseen sniper, they were down another three.
“…I don’t like this, but…”
Kesh put two fingers in his mouth and blew.
The imps should hear the signal and search the surrounding area. This meant putting his valuable scouts in danger, but if he didn’t find the enemy soon, the whole unit could be in trouble.
“Kesh! Over here, Kesh. There is one… Gah!?”
A silver arrow shot through the bushes. It grazed the imp who frantically moved out of the way, and then the hobgoblin shouted.
“All of you! Charge into those bushes!”
If they went all at once, it would be more difficult to choose a target. That was what he thought while giving the order.
The light-footed goblins rushed towards the cliff and climbed up. Two arrows were shot down, and one goblin fell.
“Damn it! Shiiiitt!”
“Are you trying to block the way? Stay down and watch the imps and humans!”
Kesh shouted at the ogre who struggled to climb, and then he rushed up the cliff himself.
The goblins were not weak, but they were bad when it came to making quick decisions. He had to constantly be giving out orders, or it would turn to chaos in an instant.
“Nara! Suda! Kanga! From the right side! Emori! Cha! Sengi! To the left! Mue! Berke! Return to the wagons! Gaide will eat the humans if left alone!”
The attacker looked small as it ran through the trees, a cape flowing behind its back.
It almost seemed like a human child, but its strides were strong and without hesitation.
“Could it be…”
The scent that traveled on the wind. The hobgoblin frowned.
The cape was made of a strange skin, but with some skill. Also, the arrows had heads made of metal.
It was all very different from what he knew about ‘them.’ And so there was little doubt…
“The master told us to just watch if we found it… But we have no other choice now.”
It must have given up on running, as the kobold stopped and turned around.
The small monster had a dog-like face as he glared silently.
“All of you, surround it! We must take the kobold alive!”