Kamigami – 44 Part 1

9 – New Village

“Still…to think that even you are participating in this game.”

Salia switched off the image in the mirror and then turned to her friend. She was wearing long robes like her. Canila lowered her eyes and smiled.

“I told you the reason earlier… These days, what waits for those who do not participate…is stagnation and deterioration.”

“I am not blaming you. It is just a surprise, that’s all. Besides, the other gods told me that there were no other Heroes in Morania, aside from the Seer’s.”

“After the battle, I stayed in my god seat nearly the whole time. So it’s no surprise they might have thought that.”

As Canila was the god of medicine, they had met many times. She even had a shrine built for her in Salia’s old star.

However, after Salia had fallen, she too had disappeared. Many thought she had fallen and vanished.

“But even so…it was rather rude of you. You could have let me know about your whereabouts.”

“…You know, don’t you? That when you are as small a god as me, that it’s necessary to support the Hero directly. After all, for a while you too also stayed close to Sheto and were rarely seen.”

Salia shrugged and then passed Canila a cup of wine. They drank silently.

“Keita seems like a good Hero.”

“Yes… He is almost too good for me.”

“But I was surprised that there are people who want to act like that.”

To not choose the path of adventure, but to work and use your knowledge.

That being said, she had had nothing but negative feelings towards the games. And it was unlikely that it would have changed her opinion.

“Even if they are Heroes from another world, they are all unique. Not all of them prefer to fight. Not all of them see monsters as merely experience points.”

“…It pains me to hear it. I heard that Lord Sydia’s Hero was a kind-hearted girl.”
“Yes. Before the hunt, she stopped by the village. She said that she wished she could stay.”

As they talked, little by little, something was growing.

A feeling of friendship for this person who had been absent for so long.

“Still, it’s like you. Protecting some people instead of trying to save the world.”

“Don’t say that… I am just…timid.”

“No. You are participating in a game where your whole existence will be in danger if you lose. Even if it looks small, it is no laughing matter.”

Salia said, and then closed her eyes.

“What is it?”

“No, I was just thinking…how hatred and anger really cloud your vision. After all, I would never have even imagined doing what you are doing.”

The anger she harbored towards the past. It had been what drove her, and she was now a greater god because of it.

And though she did not want to admit it to Sheto or the dragon god, without Yesta’s advice, she would have likely just continued to wallow in her misery.

“Tell me…one thing.”

“You still dream of punishing the gods who tarnished your old world?”

Canila asked hesitantly.

“I have no right to stop you. But…if someone as powerful as you acted now…it would split the heavens.”

“I would be lying if I said that I did not hope for such things. But…”

She thought back to her brother’s face, as he screamed and turned into stone. That terrible sight.

Even after Salia started to talk to the other gods again, they never spoke of the game that had been her downfall.

Any fighting between the gods had been banned with the start of the games. However, the method in which Salia’s world had been destroyed…it was a clear exception. If the leader was known, then Salia would have the right to voice her complaint.

And so it was most likely that the gods who were currently at the top, were creating alliances and keeping the others silent.

“If I acted now, it would be difficult to find proper evidence or witnesses. I will have to win this battle first, and become the last pillar…”
“…Are you serious?”
“Is that wrong?”

Canila looked at her in disbelief. Then she sighed and smiled.

“Well, if it’s you, it might just come true.”

“But there is no point in talking about that now. I have something else I must prioritize.”

Her voice sounded both sweet and a little amused.

Salia pretended to not notice as she nodded frankly.

“He is no ordinary subordinate. I would go as far as to say that he is an extension of me.”

“Your lives are bound, after all.”
“…As you know, love is not among the things I preside over. Such things can be left to the other gods.”
“Oh? Then why would you even bring it up?”
“…You and the dragon god seem to always like to talk about such things…”

She sighed with exasperation, and Canila chuckled. 

“Hey…why not have Sheto take a look around the village tomorrow?
“I know that he is incredibly tough, but he needs rest too. Besides, I think it would be good for him to see the work of Hero.”

Salia pursed her lips and then nodded.

“Indeed, you might be right. I would also like to learn more about this Keita.”
“Tha…thank you, Salia!”

Canila said as she stood up.

“Are you leaving now? You could just wait here until everyone wakes up?”
“I will come back then. After all, I have a star to watch as well.”

“…That’s true. Well, see you later then.”

Canila left the god seat, and turned back to the mirror and touched the surface.

She saw the reflection, the twisted agony there, and she erased it with a sigh.

“There is no one who does not change, huh…”

She said quietly to herself.

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