Jack of all Trades – 25

Resolution and Tears Beowulf sunk into the muddy stream. It had suffered Daniela’s strongest hit and this concentrated avalanche of debris. What kind of monster would be able to survive… “Is he…dead?” Daniela asked as she came to stand next to me. However, that was a death flag. It was almost miraculously optimal that I…

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The Old Knight – 1 Part 2

3. The girl was now calling him as the water had finished boiling. He carried what he needed as he went down the stairs and around to the back of the gants. There was a bathing area near the well that was covered in pebbles. Further back there was a large barrel that was full…

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Jack of all Trades – 24

-The Ruins and the Giant Wolf- Fortunately, Beowulf did not attack us before we reached the building. Though it was possible that he was observing us from a short distance away. But right now, we were focused on the structure. The building that we were looking up at was made of stone and in fact,…

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The Old Knight – 1 Part 1

The Girl at the Gants (Part 1) 1. Bard opened the double doors and entered the inn. There was a man behind the counter chopping up vegetables who appeared to be the master. He gave Bard a quick glance but then continued on with his work. It was not the most polite way to greet…

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Jack of all Trades – 23

A Sudden Development in the Forest “A-Asagi…?” “Mm? Ah, good morning, Daniela.” “Uh, good…morning…” What happened? She seemed kind of absent-minded this morning. At least she seemed to have drunk her soup. I throw the deer onto the ground. I had already drained it of blood and dug out all of its guts, but I…

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Only with Your Heart – 2

Since Our Last Kiss – 2 Chizuru lay on the living room sofa as she finished the third volume by the light of the small table lamp. The pain had grown so strong in her that she finally closed her eyes. She placed the finished book on the floor as she faced the ceiling with…

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Jack of all Trades – 22

-An Apology and an Apology- It was morning. The sunrise was especially beautiful from the top of the tree. Right under me, I could see the tent and the tarp we had set up yesterday. Mmm? Why would I sleep in a tree if we had a tent? That would be because of the wrath…

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Jack of all Trades – 21

-Accident- “Camping?” “Aye, camping.” Daniela sometimes said the funniest things. “It is not as if I just thought of it now, you know? I saw the way you fought yesterday and how we worked together. And I decided that we should not have any trouble with something a little longer. It will be good to…

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Jack of all Trades – 20

-The Day After a Day of Drinking- I wave a hand at Ness and take the seat next to his. “Ho, Asagi! Let’s drink!” “Looks like you’ve had quite a lot already…” “You idiot! This barely even counts!” I beg to differ. His eyes couldn’t even focus on anything. But then again, he was talking…

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Jack of all Trades – 19

-A New Power and a Lively Night- Several hours had passed after the first battle with the forest wolves. We had now gone around and destroyed several packs that were spread throughout the forest, and because the sun was now starting to set, we decided to head back for Fhiraldo. As I moved my tired…

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Jack of all Trades – 18

-Redemption- Well then, I was back in the fateful forest. I wasn’t such a veteran that I could sense what was around us. Were there forest wolves lurking close by? “Ahh… I doubt there are any in this area.” “Right. Well, let’s check our stats then… Or not, are there rules against checking party members…

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Jack of all Trades – 17

-A New Routine- The Black Rabbit incident was finished. I think. It would really depend on the reaction of the Adventurer’s Guild that I was now headed for. In other news, I and Daniela had decided to party up. We had been discussing how this whole thing started after leaving the guardhouse, which led to…

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