Seisan Mahoushi – 223

Chapter 223 – Uncertainty!?

“You met with the Demon King…?”

Yomotsu had been sleeping on the ramparts, but he now looked at me with wide eyes.

Iria and I had returned to Fendel.
The Demon King did not do anything to us, and let us leave the camp.
And so we had also told the airship to withdraw.

Since then, neither the Demon King or her army had attacked Fendel.

Of course, we still remained on our guard.

The Demon King seemed uncertain.
Would she go with the plan, or change her mind… We had no way of knowing which she would choose. However, we had to be ready for either outcome.

As for me, I had told Yomotsu about the Demon King.

Because I wanted to know if it really was the real one.

And so I nodded and answered.

“Aye. At the camp in the south.”
“…To think that the Demon King would agree to see you.”
“Do you think the Demon King we met was the real one?”

Yomotsu was silent.

However, his daughter, Milina, had been listening next to him. And she answered.

“Since it is you two, I don’t think it would be a surprise.”
“…Don’t say anything, Milina.”

Yomotsu said, but Milina turned her nose away.

Milina and Yomotsu had likely been together the whole time that we were away, but they appeared to be in a bad mood.
Perhaps it was because Milina had tried to do something about Yomotsu, who was always sleeping.

However, Yomotsu then replied.

“It is true that you people are different… That is probably why the Demon King met with you.”
“I see… As for the plan, we were able to understand it, somewhat.”

Upon hearing this, Yomotsu closed his mouth. But after some time, he finally asked,

“…So, you know now? The Demon King’s mind will not change.”
“I didn’t…get that impression.”
“I sensed some hesitation. And a lack of confidence, when I asked about how sure your plan was.”
“Nonsense! It will definitely succeed… There is someone who the Demon King must meet no matter what! And so the Demon King will accomplish it!”
“Perhaps. However, we will…”

Yomotsu asked fearfully.

“…Are you going to try and stop the Demon King?”
“We mean to.”
“Foolishness… I do not know how much power you have, but there is still no way that you can win against the Demon King. Do not think of it.”

Upon hearing those words, Milina looked surprised.

“Father…are you worried about Joshua and the others?”
“That is not… It’s just just…”

Iria came in to help.

“I’m sure you’re worried about Milina and the others.”
“…In any case, don’t do it. You saw the Demon King’s power, didn’t you?”

Said Yomotsu.

Indeed, the Demon King was strong.
Brainwashing ability that surpassed Kyuby, flight, Hide… And those were probably just a few out of the different spells the Demon King could use.

And though Iria had overwhelmed her, the Demon King still had over a hundred thousand at her command. And if given the order, they would be all too glad to attack Fendel.

And if we fought head on, Fendel would not get out of it unharmed.

Yomotsu continued.

“In the first place, how does stopping it benefit you? Even if it fails, humans and monsters who want to fight will die… There will be nothing good for Fendel.”
“And nothing good if it succeeds… And there are human civilians in the southern cities. Even some of the Demon King’s soldiers don’t want to fight.”

Yomotsu was silent after hearing this.

He had seen much of us and Fendel by now. And so he should understand how we think.

Milina then said,

“If Fendel is fighting…then I will fight too.”

Yomotsu raised his voice.

“Milina! You would go against the Demon King!?”
“I have friends here now. It’s not just foxfolk…Kijin and werewolves too. Of course, I would want to protect them.”

Yomotsu turned to me again.

“Rethink it… The Demon King is too strong.”
“Then, Yomotsu… Why don’t you help me persuade the Demon King?”
“I understand how you feel. Iria and I…and the other demihumans…have all lost loved ones. But right now, we are satisfied with our life in Fendel. So is Milina and your children.”

Yomotsu did not answer.

And then Milina said,

“Father…I want to meet mother again too, but…”
“Don’t say any more, Milina…”

Yomotsu closed his eyes tightly.

From what I had heard from him, his wife Mina died while he took care of her.

Surely she must have been happy, as he was with her until the end.

Of course, she might still have regrets, such as not being able to see her children grow.

However, she had entrusted their children to Yomotsu. Would she really want to come back, at the cost of other lives?

Yomotsu had to know that.

“In any case, we will stop the Demon King.”

We started to leave, but Yomotsu did not say anything.

However, Milina said to us,

“I will cooperate.”
“Thank you, Milina.”

Milina nodded and then followed us.

But as we started to leave, a voice rang from behind.


When I turned around, Yomotsu was looking at the ground.

“I cannot fight the Demon King… However, protecting Milina and the others is my final duty… That was my promise to Mina.”

Yomotsu then raised his face.

“If you want to just persuade her… I will help.”

Milina jumped onto Yomotsu and burst into tears.

Yomotsu had been like a shell of a man, but now he was going to act again. And it was their sakes, so it was no wonder she was happy.

Yomotsu hugged Milina and muttered.

“I have you and the others…”

He finally remembered that the children were the most important… I was very glad.

But on the other hand, Kyuby had nothing like that. And the Demon King surely…

How would I be able to make them change their minds?

In the first place, I didn’t even know for sure if they were trying to reunite with a loved one, so that they could live together.

That was something I would have to ask Yomotsu.

Next Chapter

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