Ken yo, kaku katariki – 72

15 – Exchange Diary

I walked over to the desk and picked it up. A single old notebook.
…And it was familiar to me.

(Exchange diary…)

A long time ago, when we were children, we had written in it together.
Why was it here? So she kept it. I thought with nostalgia.

The letters were written in red and blue ink. In imperfect, childish letters.
As for the contents, it was really nothing important. What we saw or heard that day. Food and the weather.
We met every day, so we could just tell each other, but there was something special about writing it down.

(Back then…I was happy.)

Our family was not broken yet.

My father was not brilliant, but he was loved by his people.
He would work in the same fields and sweat with them. He would solve their problems, and visit each of their houses in order to help.
If a monster appeared, he would lead the group that hunted it. He sometimes returned with injuries. My mother would be so worried as she treated him.
They were so busy every day…but they laughed.

She was dedicated to my father.
And while he was busy, she looked after us.
A quiet, but gentle person. So different from how she was now… Back then, I was worried about her. Once, Mimi had a dream where our mother disappeared, and she woke up crying…
And then our mother comforted her.

Just then—something fell out from the pages of the notebook.

(Is this…a pressed flower?)

When I saw the pink flow, the memory…which had been vague and faded in the corner of my mind, returned in vivid color.

Yes. It was the one time we went on a picnic as a family.
In order to comfort me and Mimi, my mother suggested we go out together.

The arne flowers were in full bloom.
The sight of the petals dancing in the wind.
Our faces got covered in dirt, but for some reason, we could not stop laughing.
A distant, simple old memory.

I turned the page.
It should have been the last page, but there was more.

(Is this Mimi’s writing…?)

It must have been written after some time had passed.
The writing was not that of a child, but the current Mimi…

Date: ____

Why did they change?
Mother and father are…different now.

To force my sister to marry like that.
I won’t forgive them.

That’s the reason that she ran away from home. She says that she is going to a military academy in the old capital.
Apparently, she had managed to raise the money with the defense team.
That was like her…
I helped plan for her escape. She could be reckless. She did not even check the train schedule.

And she promised that one day, I could go and live with her.
…Perhaps I would have no other choice.

From today, she is gone.
In order to distract myself, I think I will start writing in this diary again.

Date: ____

I’m still lonely.

Mother and father are constantly talking ill of Aize. Because she cannot marry while in school. However, I persuaded them that she will be more impressive when she graduates.
They don’t know about her plan.
I hope things go well.

Date: ____

Father and mother grew so impatient, that they went to go and meet Aize.
They tried to bring her back.
But they failed, and complained for a long time.

But if my sister were to win in the tournament…

Date: ____

I received a letter from Aize.
She said that she was sorry she could not win.
But there was nothing to apologize for.

I didn’t matter right now.
The very idea of her marrying that man. I will never allow it.
There are still three years left. You can do it, Aize.


Date: ____

Aize won in the tournament!
Amazing! Her dream finally came true!
And the marriage was called off!

It seems that he was even worse than we thought.
I’m so happy for her. Congratulations, sister.

Date: ____

…Now father and mother want me to get married.
I knew this day would come.
I knew it from the start.

Apparently, he is very wealthy.
…But when we first met, I had a bad feeling about him.
He had such cold eyes…as if he was looking at a tool.

Sister… What should I do…?

Date: ____

I decided to look at it positively.
While unpleasant to be around, he is not bad looking. And he is rich.
Perhaps it won’t be so bad?

If I marry, and we are no longer poor, mother and father might return to their old selves…

It was so nostalgic now.
Not a day goes by where I don’t wish I could go back to it.
If such a thing was really possible…yes. It was worth risking it all for that chance.

Date: ____

Ah, no… Why?
Why did this have to happen?

Date: ____

I heard something awful.
My sister will…not become a noble.
The person I am to marry made sure of it behind the scenes.

Why? Why would he do such a thing?
I don’t understand…
I was told that it had nothing to do with me… That I should listen to my parents.

Date: ____

I made some demands.
I will marry. If he would help my sister become a noble.
He agreed.

But I am anxious. He could be lying.
Still, I have no choice. If it’s a lie…I will do anything. I have nothing else to offer.

…Please. Goddess.
I don’t care about myself.
But please help my sister.

“…Damn it, Mimi.”

I muttered.

You don’t care about yourself? For my sake?
No. You can’t think that. You must not.

Mimi…she was the one person I was supposed to protect.

I took in a deep breath and exhaled.

I placed the notebook back on the table, and put the pressed flower in the pocket of my coat, which hung on the wall.

(Mimi. I will protect you.)

…No matter what happens to me.

Next Chapter

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