Paintbrush Summoner – 85

Chapter 85 – Thrilling! Exhilarating! Mask X!

While Mofusen was dealing with Magikargia, Ralph was facing the Nadar army.

On his belt was not his usual sword, but the blunted training sword that Menew had made.. It could not cut through anything, and was basically a toy.

As it would not break, he did not have to worry about that point. But Ralph still let out a sigh.

Ralph had no talent for magic. He had also trained to take on large groups of enemies. But this was an army of twenty-thousand. So there was no way he could face them alone.

Of course, he still had to do it.

As the army was still in confusion, he boldly appeared, with the giant spears at his back.

Ralph had once been the chief at the Knights Guild. And he knew soldiers well.

With the way the Nadar army was now, if he had a small army, he would be able to defeat them in spite of the difference in numbers.

However, he had no soldiers. All he had was a ‘disguise’ and a toy sword.

Regardless, Ralph walked towards them now. They looked at him with surprise at first, but then they quickly looked away.

He went around, knocking them down with his sword. Every time he struck, a lightning magic would ignite from the sword, robbing the soldiers of their freedom. It was Menew’s enchantment.

And like this, he made his way through the camp and towards the general.

Ralph was angry.

(Cowardly, so cowardly…!)

How he had to stand in a battlefield with a weapon that could not kill a single enemy.

How he lacked the skill to disarm and suppress without killing.

How he relied on this toy, which made things so easy.


He struck the enemy. The soldiers started to realize that something was strange, but he didn’t care. He continued to swing his sword and walk.

Just then, in answer to Ralph’s thoughts, his Level wound back to 10. The true level was unlocked.

Ralph’s skills, ‘Body Strengthen,’ ‘Blade Demon’ and the one he had lost, ‘Body and Blade Union,’ all activated.

Blade Demon was a skill that allowed you to swing in the same condition, no matter how much damage you took, or what was in your way.

Body and Blade Union was a skill that made your arm and sword combine.

With these abilities returned, Ralph rushed forward with his new right arm that shone white and sharp.

He jumped.

The blade became even more flexible as he accelerated. And like that, those on the left and right of Ralph became unconscious.

At this point, the soldiers began to gather around, even though they did not understand the enemy.

Ralph ducked under their weapons as he swung his toy blade. He felt so pathetic that he could cry, but he continued anyway.

As he made his way through thousands, Ralph finally found himself facing the general.

He was near the back of the camp, as expected, and had dozens of guards around to protect him.

Their provisions were destroyed in the morning, spears fell from the sky, and the soldiers fell to the ground in mysterious attacks. It was complete chaos.

Even a very capable commander would need more time to bring order once again. After all, the giant spears were still there.

(This is more than a bluff.)

“So you must be the general. I am Mystery Mask X. My comrade is the man who summoned the storm and spears earlier. Clearly, we Mystery Masks are the true victors of this war.”

Ralph declared as he pointed his sword at the general.

“Wh-what madness is this… This war will save us from starvation a decade from now. We have to expand before then. Get out of our way!”

While clearly intimidated, the drive to prevent such a calamity was stronger.

Mofusen had checked at the Scarab Guild, and they had assured him that this was not the case. This was information they were not actually allowed to disclose. But Mofusen was an old friend and Adventurer, so he had been told secretly.

Did the king and advisors know…? Perhaps they were being brainwashed. Regardless, this man looked like he was just following orders.

“How foolish. When that is not even the truth.”

“Wh-what are you saying!”

“Regardless, I will give you a choice. Fight me, and if you lose, then retreat. If you win, then I will die.”

With a weapon that could not kill, he would wager his own life. He would not forgive Menew for creating this situation. While Ralph was thinking this, he remained calm on the outside.

The perception obstruction mask. When you were one enemy in the middle of numerous allies, then it was less effective.

If you saw someone you hated in town, you would avoid them. It was similar to that feeling.

However, aside from the chief and his guards, the others did not know where the enemy was. That was convenient.

“Apparently, the other soldiers do not recognize me as the enemy. I do not want unnecessary casualties. You can all come at me at once, or it can be a duel. I do not mind.”

“Tsk. Don’t think I can be provoked into doing what you want! That sinister magic you are using. You must be from Magikargia!”

Ralph sighed. Dealing with fools was tiring.

First, if you are going to attack someone, you should investigate their fighting force thoroughly. There was no one in the Magikargia camp who could use magic like that. Surely he should know.

Besides, even if the information was not completely accurate, if Magikargia could use such magic, surely they would have used it already.

It seemed like this country was run by inept leaders.

“Very well. However, it does not change the fact that I will capture you. Let’s go then.”

“Ba-bastard! Guards! Kill him!”

His guards rushed forward. However, the other soldiers did not recognize Ralph. And so they moved to help the other fallen soldiers.

His opponents were about ten soldiers who lacked training. They were nothing to Ralph.

He dodged their blades and whipped them with his own, robbing them of consciousness.

They were down in no time, and then the general charged at him.

But with one jump, Ralph was right in front of him, and his sword struck the general in the chest.

And the fight was over.

He caught the man as he fell, and then Ralph shouted loudly. With an intimidating voice.

“Your leader is defeated! Retreat while you can!”

This war had not been looked at kindly from the beginning.

And so many chose the option of retreating.

Ralph carried the general on his shoulder and walked through the army until he reached the wall of spears.

No one tried to stop him.

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