My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World – 905

Ms. Delia was watched the whole time

According to the fenrir, it had no idea why the beastkin woman was in the forest. But she must have realized she could not escape from the trolls, and so she sacrificed her life in order to protect the baby.

Also, just as the fenrir picked up the baby from the dead mother, one of the trolls turned out to still be alive, and it attacked the fenrir.

And that was when it injured its right front leg.

The wood cutter who raised Ms. Delia had said that the fenrir looked weak, so that must be the reason…

“So that’s why…”
“It says there is no pain now, but it is weak.”
“Guff, guff.”

Even after being wounded, the fenrir was able to kill the troll. And then it picked up Ms. Delia and moved. However, the pain was too much, and it could not heal itself. And so it had to lie down.

That was when the wood cutter found them. And so it left the baby with the human and returned to the forest.

After that, when it was healed, it would leave the pack and check up on Ms. Delia to see if the humans were treating her well.

The graveyard offered a good view of the village, and there was a lot of wind. Apparently, it could tell by the scent that Ms. Delia was enjoying life there.

“So it was true that the villagers did not treat me badly because they were afraid of the fenrirs…”
“It seems like it.”

Perhaps if they had treated her in the same way that Liza was treated in the slums, then Bleiyu village would be attacked.

Well, during the feast…I had noticed that there were a few…and only a small few, who seemed like they were avoiding Ms. Delia.

I doubted they would do anything, so it was not a problem. 

In any case, she was accepted as one of them now. And it seemed like any initial reasons did not matter now.

Still, this fenrir did feel very responsible towards her. I suppose it was because she was a beastkin. 

Had it just left Ms. Delia there, it would never have been injured, and would be living happily with the other fenrirs.

“…Th-thank you. It is because of you that I lived happily in Bleiyu village. Besides, I have now met someone who might be an owner.”


“Uh, wait, Ms. Delia… Did you just say owner…?”

“Yes, you, Mr. Takumi?”


“If I work for you, then you will be my employer…. And since Leo is there, and in a way, I have to yield, then…”
“No, no, no. That sounds terrible…”

I turned to Phillip for help, but he just chuckled.

Was this because I was always patting her on the head?

Is this what beastkin want? No, aside from the ears and tail, they are quite similar to humans. In no way should they be seen as similar to a house cat…

Next Chapter

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