My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World – 684

Cooking time

“They had udon noodles.”
“Udon, huh? Yes, I’ve seen them. They had different kinds of noodles here. But the taste was different, wasn’t it?”
“Hmm… Well, I’m not a food enthusiast or anything. But I thought it was quite similar.”
“Oh? Perhaps they have improved since then.”

It had been in a clear soup, And while not completely the same, it had definitely been close.

“Well, it’s not like all the food in the other world was better anyway.”
“That’s true. The ingredients are different, and the food here is also delicious.”
“Yes, yes. Also, just because you make something that is good, does not mean it will become popular… It has to catch people’s attention and look nice as well…”

“Papa! I brought it!”
“Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Takumi.”
“Oh, thank you, Liza. …And thank you, Ms. Lyra.”

They had brought the ingredients such a grounded meat, that I had asked for from Mr. Hannes and the villagers.
It was the most important ingredient, but we did not bring any with us, and so I had to ask them for it.
Liza was excited to be able to make them again.

“Oh, I won’t delay you by talking anymore then. Perhaps I will go and pick on Rahle a little?”
“Haha. Please don’t do that too much. Ms. Lugretta will be angry with you.”
“Ahh. She is always telling me how to act. But that is not a bad thing…”

And so I left him to his devices and then started to make the hamburgers with the villagers who had come to help.
Of course, we made it the same way, without onions, so that Leo would be able to eat them as well.
While they may not be as good without onions, they should still be delicious enough for the villagers.
…Now that I thought of it, was it really true that Leo still couldn’t eat the same things as before? Perhaps I should ask her about that.

“…Like this, papa?”
“Oh, you’re even better at it now. Yes, that is right. And then put a dent right here.”
“Yes, you did that before! Uh, like this… Uh, there is a hole in now…”
“Haha. You pushed it too hard. Don’t worry, you can just fill it up again.”

I wasn’t sure if she was actually getting better, but I thought it was important to praise her for trying.

“Mr. Takumi, like this?”
“Yes. Very good, Ms. Lyra. You are clearly used to cooking.”
“No, not at all…”
“Mr. Takumi, what about this?”
“Please look over here as well, Mr. Takumi!”

As everyone was used to cooking, they all did it well, as if it was not their first time. And so there was nothing for me to do but watch.

“Mr. Takumi, over here!”
“No, here first! Hey, don’t push me!”
“Ple-please calm down, everyone. I will check all of them!”

For some reason, the villagers all wanted me to check their work.
While most of them were good, there were some that were misshapen or too small. And so I gave some advice as if I was some professional.

Next Chapter

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