Chapter 241 – The End of the Battle!
The pale blue form that made up the great spirit began to break off and disperse.
“We did it!”
Ymir said, but Ecleshia answered.
“No, not yet!”
The great spirit itself had vanished. But Kyuby, who had been controlling it, landed on his feet.
And then he put his hands together in an attempt to bring the light back.
However, Iria and the others were already rushing towards him. We too ran forward in order to capture Kyuby.
He must have realized the situation was bad then, as he took out something resembling a precious stone from his chest.
I had seen something like that before. It must be the magic tool for teleportation that Kyuby had once used to escape from us.
At this rate, he was going to get away.
That was what I thought, but in the next instant, the shiny stone was flying through the air. It had been knocked away by one of Monica’s arrows.
As if having no other choice, Kyuby directed his hands towards Iria and unleashed fire magic.
While it was incredibly powerful magic, Iria dodged it easily and closed in on Kyuby…and then pointed the tip of her blade at his throat.
Kyuby took out a hidden dagger from his sleeve and tried to block Iria’s sword. However, with a swift movement, Iria knocked it right out of his hand.
“It is done.”
“No, not yet!”
Kyuby would not give in, and was now attempting to face her with his fists. And like that, he swung at Iria with all of his might.
Of course, he was unable to reach her. Iria moved on light feet and avoided every attack.
“…I cannot lose! I cannot give up! I will…!”
Kyuby grew more aggressive, but I could not see his expression, as it was covered by a mask. It almost sounded like he was talking to himself.
“Stop, Kyuby! You must stop this now!”
Yomotsu shouted, and then, in his fox form, he pounced on Kyuby.
But at that point, Kyuby didn’t have the strength to block him or jump away.
He collapsed onto the ground, and then Ecleshia unleashed her plants, binding all four of his limbs.
“Damn it!”
He thrashed around, desperate to try and escape his bonds.
Yomotsu then said to him,
“It’s over, Kyuby… We have lost.”
Once Kyuby stopped moving, Yomotsu asked him with tear-filled eyes.
“Kyuby…why. Earlier, while I was trying to take my own life, you used hypnosis to stop me.”
“…I just needed you alive as part of my plan. What is strange about that?”
“If you only wanted to use me, then you could have used hypnosis to make me lie to the people of Fendel. But you did not do that. Besides, there were transportation troops around Fendel. You could have taken them as hostages…”
So Kyuby had doubts after all.
He had likely hesitated to hurt Yomotsu and his family. And as Yomotsu said, it seemed like he had shown some restraint towards Fendel as well. As it would have been possible for him to take hostages, and taken shrewder actions.
Even if he had been comrades with Yomotsu for so long, would someone who was trying to destroy humans and demihumans, and who had betrayed his own master, really hesitate to do that…
Perhaps had Kyuby not been persecuted by demihumans, or enslaved by humans…none of this would have happened.
Just then, I felt a presence of massive magic energy flying towards us from the west. When I looked up at the sky, I saw the group of black armors.
Sophis then landed on the ground and bowed her head.
“Forgive me…I was greatly delayed.”
“No, we just about finished up here.”
I said as I glanced over to where Kyuby lay.
But Sophis bowed again and said,
“I’m sorry for the trouble that my subordinate has caused you. I will take responsibility.”
“Responsibility. Do you mean to kill him?”
Sophis remained expressionless but nodded as if to say it was obvious.
Not only did he disobey her orders, but he even attacked her. It was a different level compared to Yomotsu.
Yomotsu kept his mouth tightly closed. He probably wanted to say something, but understood that it was not the kind of situation where that would be accepted.
As for us, Kyuby was also an enemy. The people of Fendel could have died.
There was no hope for him… Even he seemed to be aware of it.
Just then, Iria muttered.
“Perhaps…it can be done after he sees the gate.”
Sophis sounded uncertain.
Kyuby had tried to hurt us. Not only that, but the Minotaurs and elves would also want revenge.
However, Monica replied.
“While I doubt anyone will forgive him… We are now living at peace with Berdos and the others.”
“We Minotaurs take responsibility for being moved by his words.”
Said Berdos.
Melk muttered.
“Regardless, the battle is not over. To die now would mean not being able to witness the wrongs of the plan. Kyuby should witness and repent first.”
Kyuby’s plan wasn’t just about meeting with the dead. It was to destroy humans and demihumans. And while one of those things was impossible now, we didn’t know about the other.
Melk wanted to show Kyuby that we were right.
But Kyuby then shouted.
“It is just for your own satisfaction! Just…hurry and kill me!”
He growled.
Satisfaction. Well, perhaps he was right.
However, if Kyuby was alive, then he might find a way to harm Fendel…or other humans and demihumans.
Still, I did hope he would have a change of heart. Just like Yomotsu. He had already shown some signs of changing.
As for Sophis, while she had been expressionless earlier, she looked visibly troubled now.
It had been Sophis who saved him. Even if she needed him for her plan, she probably had some regrets.
Kyuby then answered to Sophis.
“Lord Demon King! Do not hesitate! Kill me! …Or you, Yomotsu! Do it! Kill me!”
And then Yomotsu answered.
“Kyuby… What I said earlier, it is everything. Here, humans, demihumans and monsters live together. They accepted me, even though I hated humans and demihumans. And so…”
“Don’t be a fool! I am a twisted being…it cannot be allowed!”
Kyuby said, glaring from behind the mask.
Eventually, Sophis seemed to have made up her mind.
“…Sir Joshua. I have a request.”
“Kyuby… Allow me to take him.”
Upon hearing these words, Kyuby fell silent.
“He has a special power. However, his upbringing in this world was not special. Just as there are humans who hate monsters, there are monsters who hate humans. And demihumans who hate both.”
Sophis paused for a moment.
“And so… I want Kyuby to be special… Someone who, like you, can overcome his hatred.”
“Demon King…”
“Kyuby… I do not know what will happen with my new plan. However, regardless of the results, there is something that I want to do now.”
Sophis looked at Kyuby seriously.
What she wanted to do. It was likely the same as the Emperor. Create a world where humans, monsters and demihumans could live in harmony.
“I will need your help… Because you are lonely, just like me.”
“I…have no right to such a thing… I betrayed you.”
“But together, we can do it.”
Sophis sounded desperate, and Kyuby had nothing more to say. Still, I could tell that he was crying behind the mask.
And like this, the battle at Fendel ended. Shortly after, we received a report from the mountain that the gate had been completed.
Thanks for the treat.