Strange Dragon – 147

Chapter 147 – The Presence of Sugar

Alya was patting Fio and Shiro on the head, when her expression suddenly turned serious.

“Fio. You must call me teacher from now on.”
“Okay. Teacher Alya!”
“Yes, good child.”

Just then, Ije, Gisela and a few Adventurers came out from the dining hall.

“Eat snacks now.”

And then everyone sat down on the stone floor.

Normally, we would have eaten inside.

However, everyone felt like sitting on the newly made floor and looking into the courtyard while eating.

“Yes, it’s delicious.”
“Good, good. Thank you, Ms. Ije.”

Ms. Ije looked bashful at the compliments of the Adventurers.

Even though it was a snack, this was undeveloped land.

And so it was not a sweet snack.

It was essentially the same food that we always ate. Just at a different time.

“Eating outside has its own appeal.”
“If had sugar, could make many more things.”
“Sugar? Sugar…is difficult. But how did you get sugar in your village, Ije?”
“From sugar beet.”
“Ah, so it’s the same as the old continent.”

You could also make it from sugarcane, but that was more common in warmer climates.

In cold regions, it was generally through sugar beets.

“Were there any sugar beet seeds in your village?”
“No. Don’t grow them.”
“Hmm? Then how?”
“Pick wild beets. Like mountain vegetables.”
“Huh… So they have wild sugar beets.”

I had not heard of such a thing on the continent.

However, what was common sense over there, was not the same over here.

“So if we gathered some wild sugar beet, we can make sugar?”
“Yes. But…”

“Is there a problem?”
“Ije…is bad at making sugar beet. Probably not able to find.”
“Is it really that hard?”

“Father was very good at finding them. But Ije bad.”

Apparently, Ije’s dead father was known for being able to find sugar beets.

“Father found it by smell.”
“But Ije no good.”

Shiro barked as if to say we could rely on her when it came to smell.

“Indeed. Shiro has a sharp sense of smell.”

For some reason, even Fio was excited.

“Ije. Is there a barrel where the beets were kept?”
“There is back in the village…”
“Then perhaps we can have Shiro smell what scent remains…”
“Wuff! Fio too!”

“Yes, having Fio and Shiro learn to find them will be helpful.”
“I’ll do my best.”

Fio was very confident.

However, Shiro still had a much sharper sense of smell.

“Then, we go tomorrow. Shiro, Fio.”


Ije still had work that she wanted to finish up in the fields today.

“I will go with you when you do.”

I was worried about sending the children out on their own.

“Kyuo? Kuo!!”
‘Go! Go!’



Hippolius and the wolf cubs came running towards. They looked like balls of mud after playing.

Apparently, they wanted to participate in the sugar beet hunt.

The wolf cubs were one thing, but Hippolius also had a strong sense of smell and would be reliable.

“Alright, then let’s go together.”


Hippolius and the wolf cubs were overjoyed.

And then they started playing again.

“Hippolius, Kuro, Roro and Ruru. Aren’t you going to eat?”

Right now, they would rather play.

I suppose it was because they ate earlier.

“Well, tell me when you get hungry.”


Hippolius and the wolf cubs tried to climb up onto my lap.


Roro and Ruru put their paws up on my knees.

Of course, my clothes were now covered in mud.

But it could not be helped.

They liked to play in mud, after all.


“Yes, thank you.”

Pii was saying that it would help to clean my clothes.

“…Should I wash them now, or later…”

It would be a waste, if they wanted to play in the mud again afterwards.

After all, there were still some appealing puddles in the courtyard.

“Well, I guess it can be later then.”

Right now, they should be allowed to have their fun.

And so I continued to pet Hipolius and the wolf cubs.

Next Chapter

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