I introduced Fel to the others as well
“I cannot say it too loudly, Lady Claire…”
“Huh… Oh…!”
“Hah… I knew it. Sebastian, you really did know more than you were letting on while explaining it.”
“Hoho. Not at all. Still, I think it will do the others some good. At least, if there is a need for it. What about you, Mr. Takumi?”
“As I said before, it’s not to my liking…”
Claire blushed and turned away when she realized what Sebastian meant about the effects of the wine.
However, I had no intention of experiencing that taste again…
“Ah, that’s right. One other thing. Ms. Delia! Also, I think Leo should be present as well. Hey!”
“What is it, papa?”
“…It’s nothing really that important, but… Anyway. Uh… Hey, Fel! You can come out now! I know you’re there!”
Once I had everyone’s attention, I turned to the forest and shouted.
There was a surprised bark, which was likely from Fel.
“I want to introduce you to everyone. So can you come out here?”
“Is that a fenrir?”
“It looks like it. Still, I didn’t know there would be fenrirs so close by…”
After I called again, Fel came out of the forest, looking rather scared.
The others were only a little surprised by the sight.
I suppose their senses were numbed.
“This is Fel. Ms. Delia named it…”
I then introduced everyone and explained to them Fel’s relationship with Ms. Delia and the village.
However, why was Fel looking so despondent…? I wondered, but it seemed to be because of Leo’s presence.
After all, a real Silver Fenrir was right in front of it now.
“So that is what happened. Stil, fenrirs are very important for beastkin. I do not know what the reason is, but they are never enemies.”
“Well, there is not enough information on it, but it seems to be the case. If Fel had found a human instead, things might have ended differently.”
“Well…it seems like the same thing will happen again…”
“Claire? Oh…yes, you are right.
I said as I turned to Leo.
I didn’t know what they were talking about… But Fel had rolled over onto its stomach, while Feri, Fen, Riruru and Sherry were nodding.
Liza and Ms. Delia were petting Fel, so it seemed like the new fenrir had been accepted by everyone.
Though, it must be intimidating to be surrounded by so many people like that…
Thanks for the treat.