Strange Dragon – 149

Chapter 149 – Alya’s Great Magic

As I, Gisela, Ije, Victor and the Adventurers watched, Alya stepped out into the courtyard.

Fio and Shiro were looking at her the most intensely.

“Teacher Alya! You can do it!”

On the other hand, Hippolius and the wolf cubs did not look very interested.



‘Pet us.’

Hippolius was licking Kuro, who was on my lap.

Kuro then raised his paws to my stomach as he wagged his tail.

Roro and Ruru were tugging on my clothes.

And so I petted them one by one.

But I also kept my eyes on Alya.

She had walked to the center of the courtyard, and then raised her long staff horizontally.

“There is something very sophisticated about her.”
“Yes. She must have been raised well.”

Alya took in a deep breath and then muttered.

“I will begin then.”

Immediately after, a sphere of fire appeared right in front of her.

“Oh, it activated quickly.”


I muttered, and Gisela agreed.

“Is she going to use the fire magic to dry the ground?”
“Wouldn’t it be very difficult to control?”

The Adventurers said to each other.

It was one thing if you were in an empty field, but there were buildings close by. And so it would be harder to handle.

If you made a mistake, then you could start a fire.

As everyone watched, the fire sphere grew even brighter.

The temperature was likely rising.

However, I could not feel it at all.

She must be using magic to guard us from the heat.

Her ability to control magic was incredibly precise.

As we watched with awe, Alya hit the ground with her staff.

And then, with the sphere like that, a wind blew.

The wind gradually became stronger, and swirled around Alya.

“So she is using fire and wind magic at the same time. That’s amazing.”
“It is. Mr. Theo, look. And she is controlling both so perfectly.”

“Indeed, not only can we not feel the heat, but we can barely feel the wind.”

While there was only a gentle breeze for us, there was a great tornado around Alya.



Hippolius and the wolf cubs, who had shown no interest earlier, were now captivated by the magic.

“She is heating the wind and using it to evaporate the water on the ground, right?”

As I was not an expert on magic, I asked Gisela.

Gisela was a fighter, so she was better at recognizing the characteristics of magic.

When it came to simple knowledge concerning magic, I was above Gisela.

However, she was far above me at differentiating between different techniques.

“Yes. You are right, Mr. Theo.”

Boeboe, who was being carried by Gisela, was also oinking excitedly.

As everyone watched, Alya continued to dry the courtyard.

The hot tornado looked like it was caressing the ground.

Even though it was great magic, we hardly felt the effects.

Not only was she using fire and wind magic at an extremely high level, but she had multiple layers of protection in place as well.

The courtyard was dried in no time.

After confirming this, Alya deactivated the magic.

The sphere and tornado grew smaller and disappeared.


Just before the tornado vanished, Alya’s hood blew off.

It must be because she had deactivated her own protection magic a moment too soon.

Without her hood, the pointed ears were quite visible.

Alya then pulled her hood back on and lowered her staff.

I put Hippolius and the wolf cubs on the ground and stood up.

And then I rushed to where Alya was standing.

“Good work. It really is dried.”
“Wonderful magic.”

When I stepped foot into the courtyard, the ground had not felt soft at all.

It was like a summer day, two weeks after the rain.



Behind me, the children were excited.

Apparently, they also enjoyed playing dry ground.

“Ms. Alya, splendid work. I feel blessed to have seen such beautiful magic.”
“Oh, you’re exaggerating.”

Alya looked a little embarrassed by Victor’s praise.

“No, no, it was very impressive. Right?”
“Aye. Amazing. You used two types of magic at once?”
“No, three. And four spells were activated. Fire, wind, and defense for both outside and inside.”

One of the other magicians explained.

He took Alya’s hands in his.

“I have seen many magicians, but never witnessed something like this. I was moved. Thank you.”

“Uh, yes.”

Alya looked a little awkward.

“Hey, stop using the opportunity to shake her hand.”
And the magician was hit on the head and pulled away.

Meanwhile, Gisela was watching with a serious expression.

Next Chapter

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