Tensei Kenja – 153

It Was an Unknown Dragon


I see. 

Another message from God.

He had said the same thing last time when giving me the shortsword of Keshis.


“…So, you were told to come here?”


“No. …I was told to help the first person I met in this church.”




“Yes. …Is there anything that I can do to help you?”


…Something he can do, huh?

I had come to this church in order to find information on the Black Dragon of Destruction and the Universal Purification Device.


This church didn’t seem like it would have many documents…but Father Shtyle used to be very important within the church.

So he might know a lot about myths.


“There are some things that I’d like to know.”


Father Shtyle heard this and nodded.


“Do you know anything about the Black Dragon of Destruction?”


“…I do.”


He answered very quietly.


“Is it well known then?”


“…Not at all. In fact, hardly anyone knows about it. After all, information about it was suppressed.”


“Is there a reason that it had to be suppressed?”


“Yes. …I don’t know how you heard the name…but there are various reasons that led to this. It is now forbidden to even say its name. Only the people of the highest ranks within the church know of it… Perhaps 10 people at most.”


So…it was a great secret.

…It was a good thing I had asked Father Shtyle.

Other priests would not have been able to tell me anything.


So, where did I go from here?

I wasn’t a part of the church, so I doubted he would tell me much.

As I wondered about this…Father Shtyle opened his mouth.


“However, I will tell you about it.”


“You will?”


“God instructed me to help the first person that I met here. …God’s commands are always to be my priority.”


“…Thank you.”


I suppose disobeying God was like disobeying the church.

It was all very convenient for me.


3 thoughts on “Tensei Kenja – 153

  1. Yeah, no, not just 10 people know, since the entire terrorist group knows, that info was leaked somehow.
    Thanks for the first page!

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